Cloned Kitty

For those who know exactly what they need.

A Little Background Info On:

Cloned Kitty‎‎‎‎‎

We are a company with a genuine desire to make the world a better place to live. We want to redefine the word "brand".  We believe that both turning a profit and doing some good are priorities possible for a brand to possess simultaneously.

Even if it means devoting a portion of our work to doing a just a bit of good for ordinary people and the planet we inhabit, it should be done.  For any and all causes that matter - and people matter.  We believe that all people always have the ability to learn to be better. And that we can love all of our brothers and sisters.

Cloned Kitty was formed as a way to help one neurodiverse person to simply earn enough to live.  And we aim to use the sale of our products to encourage awareness and prompt the acceptance and inclusion of all neurodiverse peoples.

Connor & Jason

Who are we?

The company consists of only a single member, Connor.  But of course we have volunteers too (Jason & Louie).

King Louie

What matters to us?

  • Helping people
  • Feedback from happy buyers
  • Rights and inclusion for all under represented populations
  • LGBTQ+ Rights & Pride
  • Autistic & Neurodiverse Pride
  • Native Pride

Since 2021, Cloned Kitty has existed to enable our family to live a simple yet comfortable life and afford the necessities. I dreamt of being able to work for myself while also able to help people out and do some good.

Where are we?

We operate out of a space close to our hearts, in Vista, CA inside a skinny but cozy ~2000 square foot warehouse.

What are we?

We are a special eCommerce company that always has a few experiments going on. We sell a variety of products, but our focus at the moment is on creating and marketing a brand of medical bracing.  Currently, this includes a knee brace as well as a shoulder sling. We look forward to expanding our catalog in the future with other types of supplies, such as cold therapy equipment.

Why are we here?

I started this company because I was put in a very difficult position.  I honestly felt I had no alternate options at the time but to keep on doing what I knew to do.

My previous employer and very good friend, Shannon Betz, passed away tragically on August 7th, 2021.  That day, Shannon was murdered in an especially unfortunate series of events.  I was left alone to decide what to do with the warehouse and all of the product and materials it stored.

Shannon was always so caring and selfless and to this day, I still find myself imagining what he’d do anytime I have a difficult decision to make.

So, inevitably, I decided to take the risk and the opportunity and started my own company because that’s ultimately what he would’ve done.

From Us To Our Friend:

We all miss you, Shannon.  And sincerely wish that you could have finished your life as you planned and as the greatly caring, generous, and special person you truly were.

And Down The Road?

  1. My immediate dream is to design, build, and market STEM oriented kits toward autistic kids. This is a cause very close to my heart.  I am glad parents are keen to this nowadays. My idea is to guide all of those extremely talented youths out there to discover a productive hobby that more importantly helps to secure them a financially independent future. I picture myself back when I first learned to solder and program microcontrollers from being curious and having internet. If I did not have this growing up, I probably wouldn’t have continued to build things in pursuit of that feeling I get when I surprise myself and accomplish something I didn’t think I could.
  2. We are also looking to break into the hand-made goods market because one of a kind products are always special.
  3. My end & ultimate dream is to start a software company. Ever since I was 12, I’ve had a love for programming and I never stopped writing code as a hobby. I was curious how an operating system worked, so I learned by building one. Then I was curious about machine learning, so I learned by building a convolutional neural network library.

Contact Us

Operating Hours

Mon – Fri: 8am – 2pm (Pacific)

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